Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Autofill Forms In Firefox,Chrome And Internet Explorer:Roboform

Autofill Forms In Firefox,Chrome And Internet Explorer:Roboform
If you register regularly on a lot of websites or perform any other task that requires you to fill form with similar information over and again then you can save a lot of effort and time by using roboform.Roboform has two versions available.Roboform is a freeware whereas Roboform Pro is a paid version.
The freeware version of roboform is sufficient for normal user.It allows you to create three customizable entries.Customizable enteries are those fields which are not present in roboform by defualt but you require them for your form filling like there may be a field in your form’s for your father’s age(or something like that).You can specify in the customizable fields that what information to entered when this type of field occurs.By defualt roboform has a lot of categories like Personal Details,Banking,Contact information which are are sufficent for all normal forms.
When you install Roboform its addon gets automatically installed in firefox,Internet explorer and google chrome browser.You can also sepreate identities and each identity will contain different information.
To create a new Identity in firefox you need to follow the following steps
1. Click on the Roboform icon in firefox
2. Goto Identities>New
roboform1 Autofill Forms In Firefox,Chrome And Internet Explorer:Roboform
3. Enter a name for identity and click ok
identity Autofill Forms In Firefox,Chrome And Internet Explorer:Roboform
4. Now you will have a popup box with various tabs like bussiness,address,credit card etc
5. Enter the fields you require and then click on the Save and Exit Button.
6. Everytime you have to fill a form just click on the identity name in the roboform toolbar and your fields will get automatically filled.
7. You can also automate the process of form filling by going to Roboform>Options>Autofill and check the box Autofill Without Asking
Similarly the roboform toolbar can also be configured in Internet explorer and google chrome browser.

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