Google chrome has very quickly gained popularity thanks to its speed,minimal design,nice interface.The development of the browser is also taking place at rapid speed.After every few weeks there is a new version of chrome that is launched.
Most of you are not even aware when your google chrome gets updated with its silent updater.For heavy computer user’s this can be a waste of memory as google updater stays in the memory silently.This can also be annoying for those which have slow dial-up connections or have limited data plans.I will give you trick to disable automatic updates of chrome but you will be still able to update it manually whenever you want it.
Follow the steps below to learn the Trick To Disable Automatic Update of Google Chrome
For Window 7 and Window Vista Users
- Click on Start button, type msconfig.exe and press Enter Key
- Now go to Startup tab and uncheck the box Google Update
For Window Xp Users
- Click on Start button and goto Run
- Type msconfig.exe and press Enter Key
- Now go to Startup tab and uncheck the box Google Update
We have stopped google updater from launching at the startup.Now we have to stop the automatic Execution of the updater.
Follow the Trick below to Stop Automatic Execution of Google Updater.
For Window 7 and Window Vista Users
- Click on Start button, type Task Scheduler and press Enter Key
- Now go to Task Scheduler Library
- Now you will see two GoogleUpdateTaskUser Process.Delete both of them.
For Window Xp Users
- Open Control Panel
- Go into Scheduled Tasks
- If a task called “GoogleUpdateTaskUser” exists, delete it.
This trick should be used only if you have slow Internet connection,Limited data plans because google silent updater will keep your browser updated and secure.
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